
Showing posts from 2015

Evolution of Technology

Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato had once said that 'Necessity is the Mother of Invention'; means difficult/different problems and situations require whole new thoughts and ideas to counter it. These new ideas help in the invention or innovation, creation or development of machines, devices and computers, above all factories (where are these can be made or manufactured). These are used for the production of certain goods & services, and also for the accomplishment of certain scientific objectives. Earlier when it is thought that the resources present in the world are limited. To survive, these resources needs to be snatched from the others. This was the period when the idea of Mercantilism prevail in the world. Because of this thought most of the European Nations expanded themselves all over the world (esp. Great Britain). But in the  eighteenth century AD when industrial revolution began in United Kingdom, then the idea of  Mercantilism  faded. They started to th...


Some Facts and Comparison: India is a diversified country having populous of peoples belonging to different race, caste and religions. According to the recent census, 2011, the population of India is estimated as 1210 millions. India is ranked second largest populated country in the world, right behind China whose population is 1340 millions (census 2010). It is evident from the trend of the growth that India is going to leave behind China in coming years, and will become the most populated country in the the world. India holds 17.5% of the total world population but has only 2.4% of total land area in the world, while China hold 20% population and has 7% of land area. USA has 6% of world population and 7% of the land area, while Russia holds only 5% of the population and has 12% of the land area. Latest Trend of Population (source: Achievements and failures by Indian Governments in past 67 years: Achievements:  Governments since Independenc...